Galloway Tax Express: Professional and Hassle-Free Services for NC LLC Annual Report Filing
"FILE NC LLC ANNUAL REPORT with Galloway Tax Express"
Save Time and Money with Galloway Tax Express - Professional NC LLC Annual Report Filing Made Easy!
North Carolina requires LLCs to file an annual report each year. The filing fee is $200 and must be paid online. All LLCs must have a registered agent in North Carolina.
The annual report should include the name and address of the LLC, the name and address of the registered agent, and any changes to the LLC since the last report.
The report must be filed before the 15th day of the fourth month after the end of the LLC's fiscal year. Failure to file the annual report may result in the dissolution of the LLC.
The NC LLC Annual Report Filing requires a complete and accurate filing in order to be accepted by the Secretary of State.
If the filing does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected and the filer will be required to resubmit the filing with any necessary corrections. If the filing is rejected, the filer will receive a rejection letter from the Secretary of State detailing the specific reasons for the rejection.
The filer is responsible for any fees associated with resubmitting the filing and should expect processing delays in the event of a rejected filing. It is important to carefully review the filing prior to submission in order to avoid rejection.
Contact us, and we will prepare your NC LLC Business annual report and file it for you. Simple!